Monday, March 16, 2020

Humanities Essays

Humanities Essays Humanities Essay Humanities Essay Essay Topic: Song of Solomon 1. What new technology followed agriculture in defining Mesopotamia? Metallurgy 2. Why did the arts develop in Mesopotamia? As celebrations of the priest-kings power 3. What were gratuity most likely designed to resemble? A mountain 4. Why did visitors to the gratuity often leave a statue representing themselves? To serve as prayer offerings to the Gods. 5. How did the Mesopotamia view human society? As part of a larger society 6. What was the Mesopotamia rulers role in religion? The act of intermediary between Gods and human kinds. 7. Which of the following pairs correctly identifies the subjects illustrated on the Royal Standard of our? War and Peace 8. What about the Royal Standard of our illustrates social perspective or hierarchy of scale? The most important figures are represented as larger than the others. 9. Why is the Royal Standard of Our such an important discovery? The importance of the Royal Standard of Our is not simply as documentary evidence of Sumerian life, but as one of the earliest examples we have of historical narrative. 10. Why is the legend of Jargon I considered a rags to riches story? As a child abandoned at birth, he grows up to be king. 11. What did lost-wax casting enable the Mesopotamia sculptors to create? Larger and more lightweight bronze pieces. 12. Why did Mesopotamia scribes move from pictograms to the more linear cuneiform writing? Drawing lines In wet clay was easiest. 13. What distinguishes the Law Code of Hamburg from Its predecessors? Its most complete. 14. What does Hamburgs code tell about the position of Mesopotamia women? They are Inferior to man and some level of slaves. 15. Mesopotamia Justice? It made laws more uniform, objective, and impartial. 16. What distinguishes an epic from other literary forms? It describes a peoples common heritage 17. What classic struggle do Galoshes and Unkind represent? Nature versus civilization 18. Why is the Epic of Galoshes a first in known literary works? It is the first to confront the idea of death. 19. Which of the following differentiates the Hebrews from other Near Eastern cultures? They worship a single God. 20. What did the Hebrews believe their status as chosen people meant? WHINY 21. Why do the Ten Commandments provide equal treatment for all classes of the Hebrews? The Hebrews had once themselves been slaves. 22. Why is King Salmons authorship of the Song of Solomon doubtful? The female protagonists voice is stronger than the mans. 23. What was the role of the Hebrew prophets in the era following Salmons death? To provide moral instruction according to the laws of the Torah. 24. What is the Persian Zoroaster greatest contribution to religious thought? The emphasis on free will.